ロンギヌス EURCHF
- Whole period
- 2 years
- 1 year
- 6 months
- 3 months
- 1 month
293,623JPYProfit Factor
1.36Rate of return risk
1.55Average Profit
179JPYAverage Loss
1,293,623JPYRate of return (all periods)?
44.96%Win Rate
Maximum Position
42Maximum Drawdown
Maximum Profit
1,270JPYMaximum Loss
-1,615JPYRecommended Margin
653,034JPYUnrealized P/L
JPY- Account
Operable Brokers
Usable with MT4-adopting brokers.
Real Performance (Pips)
※Displays results including swaps and fees
Forward testing (Profit)
Product Statistics
Product Comments
Monthly Statistics
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Calendar for Months
About EA's Strategy
Currency Pairs
Trading Style
[Day Trading]
Maximum Number Position
Maximum Lot
Chart Time Frame
Maximum Stop Loss
Take Profit
Straddle Trading
Application Type
Metatrader Auto Trading
Other File Usages
こちら をご覧になってください~アップデート情報~
3.1 複利機能追加(使い方は商品ページパラメータ説明欄参照)
3.0.1 買いロジックが不調のため、LogicBuyをデフォルトではfalseにし、売り専用EAにしました(trueにすれば買いもトレードできます)。
3.0 ・トレンド系フィルター追加(長期足で非常に強いトレンドが観測された場合、しばらく逆張りエントリーしない) ・EntryBarIntervalパラメータの追加。エントリーするバーの間隔を調整できます。EntryBarInterval=nでポジションの間隔を最低バーn本空ける。デフォルトの0で今まで通り毎バーエントリー可能
- 通貨ペア:ユーロ/スイスフラン
- 時間足:5分足
- ポジション数:40(片側20)(両建て=falseにした場合20)
- トレードスタイル:逆張り、スキャル~スイング
- エントリー時間:1:05~23:59(GMT+2/+3基準で)
- マーチンゲール:なし
- 固定幅ナンピン:なし(固定幅での単純ナンピンはないですが、逆行時にエントリーシグナルが出ていればポジションを増やしていきます)
- スイスフランショック以降の5年半で最適化 スイスフランショック~2020年の5年半のみに絞って最適化し制作しました。 そう言っておきながら、下図のように 最適化期間外の2009年以降でも右肩あがりになっていることから、高い優位性があるのではないでしょうか?
- 大量ポジションで23時間・高頻度トレード GMT+2/+3基準の0:00~1:05を除くすべての時間でエントリーします。エントリーシグナルが出ればポジションを追加していき最大片側20×2=40ポジまで持ちます。(Ryoudate=falseの場合20ポジ) 約5年半で20,000トレード近く、平均すると一日当たり約15トレード の計算です。かなりのトレード数ではないでしょうか? それでいて 期待利得も高く、2015~2020のデータでは約4pips (スプ1.2で)あります。 取引イメージ
- ロジック 行き過ぎたところで逆向きに仕掛ける逆張りロジックです。 1ポジのみの場合、反転するポイントをピッタリあてられないことも多々あります。 ロンギヌスでは最大20ポジを分割してエントリーし、全ポジの平均として有利な価格になることを狙っています。 決済は全ポジの平均含み損益とインジケーターの行き過ぎ度合いを判定し、全ポジ同時決済します。 全ポジの平均含み損益で決済の判定をするので、 セットしたタイミングや手動決済した場合は、決済ロジックの発動タイミングが変わる 可能性があります。 最大SLは90pipsですので、無限に含み損を抱えるシステムではございません。 また、パラメータのStealthSL(デフォでは0)を0より大きくすると、内部ロジックによるSLが発動します。ただし、GMT+2/+3基準の0:00~1:05では作動しません。 例えば、ステルスSLを90にし予備に通常SLをもっと大きく設定するなどして、スプが広がる0時台の対策などに使えるかもしれません。 売りはスキャ~デイトレ的、買いはスイング的です。 因みにRyodate=falseにすると両建てがオフになります。両建てのほうがトレード数は多くなりチャンスを逃しにくいと思いますが、エントリーポイントは浅くなりやすい可能性もありますので、 両建てのほうが収益の伸びが少しよく、両建てなしのほうが少し滑らかです。お好みの設定にしてください。 両建ての有無の比較(v1.2)
- 複数ポジションのメリット
<パラメータ>- GMTOffsetに証券会社の採用タイムゾーンの「冬時間」のGMTを、SummertimeTypeに夏時間方式を入力してください。その設定で夏も冬も変更不要です。 タイムゾーンと夏時間方式が不明な場合は証券会社のHPなどでご確認ください(開発者は全ての業者を把握していません)
- 両建て不可業者の場合はRyoudate=falseにしてください。
- FukuriMode=trueで複利モードになり残高に応じてロットが変わります。FukuriLeverageの値が大きくなるほどロットも大きくなります。FukuriMaxLotを超えるロットではエントリーしません。 ※必ずバックテストやデモなので試してから利用することをおすすめします。
- EntryBarIntervalについて
- 本EAはV3以降、一部ロジックでグローバル変数を使用します。MT4のグローバル変数を削除・編集したり、チャートを別の通貨ペアに変更などすると、その後のトレードに影響の出る可能性がありますのでご注意ください。
- バグや不具合などを原因とする場合を含めた利用者の損失をEA開発者が補填することは致しかねますのでご了承ください
- EAのセットや認証などの関することはゴゴジャンにお問い合わせください
- エントリーされない際はまず、認証が成功しているか、自動売買を許可するにチェックが入っているか、通貨ペア、時間足、スプレッドフィルターは適切か、ロットに対して証拠金が不足していないかなどを確認してみてください。 それでも解決しない場合には、詳しい状況と設定および、エキスパートログ/操作履歴のエラーメッセージがある場合はその情報を記載したうえでコミュニティで質問頂ければ幸いです。お客様の状況が把握できない場合は適切に対応できかねる場合があります。
- 必要資金、ロット数などは、最大ストップロスや、バックテスト・フォワードテストなどの平均損失・最大ドローダウンからご自身で計算していただくようお願いいたします
- なるべく対応通貨ペアのスプレッドの狭い且つスリッページの少ない業者を使うことをおすすめします
- ストップレベルが0か十分小さい業者でお使いいただくのが無難かと思います。
- パラメータにイレギュラーな値を入力しないでください。誤作動の原因になります。
- なるべく、GMT+2(米式夏時間+3)の業者推奨です。それ以外の業者の場合にはGMT_Offset(冬時間)とSummer_Time_Typeを設定してください(但し、日足、4時間足の差でトレードに違いが出る可能性があります)
- なるべく、価格の小数点以下の桁数がクロス円:3桁、その他:5桁の業者推奨です。
- 夏と冬でGMT_Offsetを変える必要はありません。
- マジックナンバーは同じMT4内で被らないようにご注意ください
- 当商品は利益を保証するものではありません。バックテストやフォワードテストと実際の運用では差が生じる可能性があります。
¥3,000 coupon eligible products.
Sales from
09/16/2020 22:53
Purchased: 402times
Price:¥30,000 (taxed)
About 1-Click Order
Forward Test
Back Test
¥3,000 coupon eligible products.
Sales from : 09/16/2020 22:53
Purchased: 402times
Price:¥30,000 (taxed)
About 1-Click Order
About Forex Automated Trading
What is Forex Automated Trading (MT4 EA)?
Forex Automated Trading refers to trading that is automated through programming, incorporating predetermined trading and settlement rules. There are various methods to conduct automated trading, but at GogoJungle, we deal with Experts Advisors (hereinafter referred to as EA) that operate on a trading platform called MT4.
Trading Types of Forex Automated Trading
There are various types of EAs (Expert Advisors) for different trading types that can be used on MT4.
Just like discretionary trading, there are those that decide trading and settlement timings by combining indicators, those that repeatedly buy or sell at certain price (pips) intervals, and trading methods that utilize market anomalies or temporal features. The variety is as rich as the methods in discretionary trading.
To categorize simply,
・Scalping (Type where trades are completed within a few minutes to a few hours),
・Day Trading (Type where trades are completed within several hours to about a day),
・Swing Trading (Type where trades are conducted over a relatively long period of about 1 day to 1 week)
・Grid/Martingale Trading (Holding multiple positions at equal or unequal intervals and settling all once a profit is made. Those that gradually increase the lot number are called Martingale.)
・Anomaly EA (Mid-price trading, early morning scalping)
Just like discretionary trading, there are those that decide trading and settlement timings by combining indicators, those that repeatedly buy or sell at certain price (pips) intervals, and trading methods that utilize market anomalies or temporal features. The variety is as rich as the methods in discretionary trading.
To categorize simply,
・Scalping (Type where trades are completed within a few minutes to a few hours),
・Day Trading (Type where trades are completed within several hours to about a day),
・Swing Trading (Type where trades are conducted over a relatively long period of about 1 day to 1 week)
・Grid/Martingale Trading (Holding multiple positions at equal or unequal intervals and settling all once a profit is made. Those that gradually increase the lot number are called Martingale.)
・Anomaly EA (Mid-price trading, early morning scalping)
Risks, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Forex Automated Trading
When engaging in Forex, there are risks in automated trading just as there are in discretionary trading.
However, a substantial advantage of automated trading is its ability to limit and predict risks beforehand.
Inherent to forex trading are the trading risks that undeniably exist in automated trading as well.
・Lot Size Risk
Increasing the lot size forcibly due to a high winning rate can, in rare instances, depending on the EA, lead to substantial Pips loss when a loss occurs. It is crucial to verify the SL Pips and the number of positions held before operating with an appropriate lot.
・Rapid Market Fluctuation Risk
There are instances where market prices fluctuate rapidly due to index announcements or unforeseen news. System trading does not account for such unpredictable market movements, rendering it incapable of making decisions on whether to settle in advance or abstain from trading. As a countermeasure, utilizing tools that halt the EA based on indicator announcements or the VIX (fear index) is also possible.
・Operates 24 hours a day
If there is an opportunity, system trading will execute trades on your behalf consistently. It proves to be an extremely convenient tool for those unable to allocate time to trading.
・Trades dispassionately without being swayed by emotions
There is an absence of self-serving rule modifications, a common human tendency, such as increasing the lot size after consecutive losses in discretionary trading or, conversely, hastily securing profits with minimal gains.
・Accessible for beginners
To engage in Forex trading, there is no prerequisite to study; anyone using system trading will achieve the same results.
・Cannot increase trading frequency at will
Since system trading operates based on pre-programmed conditions, depending on the type of EA, it might only execute trades a few times a month.
・Suitability may vary with market conditions
Depending on the trading type of the EA, there are periods more suited to trend trading and periods more suited to contrarian trading, making consistent results across all periods unlikely. While the previous year might have yielded good results, this year's performance might not be as promising, necessitating some level of discretion in determining whether it is an opportune time to operate.
However, a substantial advantage of automated trading is its ability to limit and predict risks beforehand.
Inherent to forex trading are the trading risks that undeniably exist in automated trading as well.
・Lot Size Risk
Increasing the lot size forcibly due to a high winning rate can, in rare instances, depending on the EA, lead to substantial Pips loss when a loss occurs. It is crucial to verify the SL Pips and the number of positions held before operating with an appropriate lot.
・Rapid Market Fluctuation Risk
There are instances where market prices fluctuate rapidly due to index announcements or unforeseen news. System trading does not account for such unpredictable market movements, rendering it incapable of making decisions on whether to settle in advance or abstain from trading. As a countermeasure, utilizing tools that halt the EA based on indicator announcements or the VIX (fear index) is also possible.
・Operates 24 hours a day
If there is an opportunity, system trading will execute trades on your behalf consistently. It proves to be an extremely convenient tool for those unable to allocate time to trading.
・Trades dispassionately without being swayed by emotions
There is an absence of self-serving rule modifications, a common human tendency, such as increasing the lot size after consecutive losses in discretionary trading or, conversely, hastily securing profits with minimal gains.
・Accessible for beginners
To engage in Forex trading, there is no prerequisite to study; anyone using system trading will achieve the same results.
・Cannot increase trading frequency at will
Since system trading operates based on pre-programmed conditions, depending on the type of EA, it might only execute trades a few times a month.
・Suitability may vary with market conditions
Depending on the trading type of the EA, there are periods more suited to trend trading and periods more suited to contrarian trading, making consistent results across all periods unlikely. While the previous year might have yielded good results, this year's performance might not be as promising, necessitating some level of discretion in determining whether it is an opportune time to operate.
Equipment and Environment Needed for Automated Trading Operation
The requirements for operating automated trading (EA) on MT4 are as follows:
・MT4 (MetaTrader 4. An account needs to be opened with a Forex company that offers MT4.)
・EA (A program for automated trading)
・The operating deposit required to run the EA
・A PC that can run 24 hours or a VPS (Virtual Private Server), where a virtual PC is hosted on a cloud server to run MT4.
・MT4 (MetaTrader 4. An account needs to be opened with a Forex company that offers MT4.)
・EA (A program for automated trading)
・The operating deposit required to run the EA
・A PC that can run 24 hours or a VPS (Virtual Private Server), where a virtual PC is hosted on a cloud server to run MT4.
Installation of MT4 and Account Login
If you open an account with a forex broker that supports MT4, you can use MT4 as provided by that forex broker. MT4 is a stand-alone type of software that needs to be installed on your computer, so you download the program file from the website of the FX company where you opened the account and install it on your computer.
Additionally, there are both demo and real accounts available. You can experience trading with virtual money by applying for a demo account. After opening a real account, you select the connection server assigned by the Forex broker, enter the password, and log in to the account.
When you deposit money into your account using the method specified by the forex broker, the funds will be reflected in your MT4 account, and you can trade.
Additionally, there are both demo and real accounts available. You can experience trading with virtual money by applying for a demo account. After opening a real account, you select the connection server assigned by the Forex broker, enter the password, and log in to the account.
When you deposit money into your account using the method specified by the forex broker, the funds will be reflected in your MT4 account, and you can trade.
How to Install EA on MT4
To set up an EA when you purchase it through GogoJungle, follow the steps below:
Firstly, download the purchased EA file from your My Page on GogoJungle. You will download a zip (compressed) file, so right-click to extract it and retrieve the file named ‘◯◯◯ (EA name)_A19GAw09 (any 8 alphanumeric characters).ex4’ from inside.
Next, launch MT4 and navigate to ‘File’ → ‘Open Data Folder’ → ‘MQL4’ → ‘Experts’ folder, and place the ex4 file inside. Once done, close MT4 and restart it. Then, go to the upper menu ‘Tools’ → ‘Options’, and under ‘Expert Advisors’, ensure ‘Allow automated trading’ and ‘Allow DLL imports’ are checked, then press OK to close.
The necessary currency pair and time frame for the correct operation of the EA are specified on the EA sales page. Refer to this information and open the chart of the correct currency pair time frame (e.g., USDJPY5M for a USD/Yen 5-minute chart).
Within the menu navigator, under ‘Expert Advisors’, you will find the EA file name you placed earlier. Click to select it, then drag & drop it directly onto the chart to load the EA. Alternatively, you can double-click the EA name to load it onto the selected chart.
If ‘Authentication Success’ appears in the upper left of the chart, the authentication has been successful. To operate the EA, you need to keep your PC running 24 hours. Therefore, either disable the automatic sleep function or host MT4 on a VPS and operate the EA.
Firstly, download the purchased EA file from your My Page on GogoJungle. You will download a zip (compressed) file, so right-click to extract it and retrieve the file named ‘◯◯◯ (EA name)_A19GAw09 (any 8 alphanumeric characters).ex4’ from inside.
Next, launch MT4 and navigate to ‘File’ → ‘Open Data Folder’ → ‘MQL4’ → ‘Experts’ folder, and place the ex4 file inside. Once done, close MT4 and restart it. Then, go to the upper menu ‘Tools’ → ‘Options’, and under ‘Expert Advisors’, ensure ‘Allow automated trading’ and ‘Allow DLL imports’ are checked, then press OK to close.
The necessary currency pair and time frame for the correct operation of the EA are specified on the EA sales page. Refer to this information and open the chart of the correct currency pair time frame (e.g., USDJPY5M for a USD/Yen 5-minute chart).
Within the menu navigator, under ‘Expert Advisors’, you will find the EA file name you placed earlier. Click to select it, then drag & drop it directly onto the chart to load the EA. Alternatively, you can double-click the EA name to load it onto the selected chart.
If ‘Authentication Success’ appears in the upper left of the chart, the authentication has been successful. To operate the EA, you need to keep your PC running 24 hours. Therefore, either disable the automatic sleep function or host MT4 on a VPS and operate the EA.
In Case You Want to Change the Account in Use
EAs from GogoJungle can be used with one real account and one demo account per EA.
If you want to use it with an account other than the authenticated one, you need to reset the registered account.
To reset the account, close the MT4 where the Web authentication is registered, then go to My Page on GogoJungle > Use > Digital Contents > the relevant EA > press the ‘Reset’ button for the registration number, and the registered account will be released.
When the account is in a reset state, using the EA with another MT4 account will register a new account.
Also, you can reset the account an unlimited number of times.
If you want to use it with an account other than the authenticated one, you need to reset the registered account.
To reset the account, close the MT4 where the Web authentication is registered, then go to My Page on GogoJungle > Use > Digital Contents > the relevant EA > press the ‘Reset’ button for the registration number, and the registered account will be released.
When the account is in a reset state, using the EA with another MT4 account will register a new account.
Also, you can reset the account an unlimited number of times.
Solutions for Errors During Web Authentication or Non-Functional Account Trading
If you encounter an error with Web authentication, or if the EA is trading on GogoJungle's forward performance page but not on your own account, there could be various reasons. For more details, please refer to the following link:
→ Items to Check When EA is Not Operating
→ Items to Check When EA is Not Operating
About the Size of Trading Lots
In Forex trading, the size of a lot is usually:
1 lot = 100,000 currency units
0.1 lot = 10,000 currency units
0.01 lot = 1,000 currency units
For USD/JPY, 1 lot would mean holding 100,000 dollars.
The margin required to hold lots is determined by the leverage set by the Forex broker.
If the leverage is 25 times, the margin required to hold 10,000 currency units of USD/JPY would be:
10000*109 (※ at a rate of 109 yen per dollar) ÷ 25 = 43,600 yen.
1 lot = 100,000 currency units
0.1 lot = 10,000 currency units
0.01 lot = 1,000 currency units
For USD/JPY, 1 lot would mean holding 100,000 dollars.
The margin required to hold lots is determined by the leverage set by the Forex broker.
If the leverage is 25 times, the margin required to hold 10,000 currency units of USD/JPY would be:
10000*109 (※ at a rate of 109 yen per dollar) ÷ 25 = 43,600 yen.
Glossary of Automated Trading
・Profit Factor: Total Profit ÷ Total Loss
・Risk-Return Ratio: Total Profit and Loss during the period ÷ Maximum Drawdown
・Maximum Drawdown: The largest unrealized loss during the operation period
・Maximum Position Number: This is the maximum number of positions that the EA can theoretically hold at the same time
・TP (Take Profit): The set profit-taking Pips (or specified amount, etc.) in the EA's settings
・SL (Stop Loss): The set maximum loss pips (or specified amount, etc.) in the EA's settings
・Trailing Stop: Instead of settling at a specified Pips, once a certain profit is made, the settlement SL is raised at a certain interval (towards the profit), maximizing the profit. It is a method of settlement.
・Risk-Reward Ratio (Payoff Ratio): Average Profit ÷ Average Loss
・Hedging: Holding both buy and sell positions simultaneously (Some FX companies also have types where hedging is not allowed)
・Risk-Return Ratio: Total Profit and Loss during the period ÷ Maximum Drawdown
・Maximum Drawdown: The largest unrealized loss during the operation period
・Maximum Position Number: This is the maximum number of positions that the EA can theoretically hold at the same time
・TP (Take Profit): The set profit-taking Pips (or specified amount, etc.) in the EA's settings
・SL (Stop Loss): The set maximum loss pips (or specified amount, etc.) in the EA's settings
・Trailing Stop: Instead of settling at a specified Pips, once a certain profit is made, the settlement SL is raised at a certain interval (towards the profit), maximizing the profit. It is a method of settlement.
・Risk-Reward Ratio (Payoff Ratio): Average Profit ÷ Average Loss
・Hedging: Holding both buy and sell positions simultaneously (Some FX companies also have types where hedging is not allowed)
Useful related pages
・How to Install MT4 EA (Expert Advisor) and Indicators
・MT4 Beginner's Guide
・Understanding System Trading Performance (Forward and Backtesting)
・Choosing Your First EA! Calculating Recommended Margin for EAs
・Comparing MT4 Accounts Based on Spread, Swap, and Execution Speed
・What is Web Authentication?
・Checklist for When Your EA Isn't Working
・MT4 Beginner's Guide
・Understanding System Trading Performance (Forward and Backtesting)
・Choosing Your First EA! Calculating Recommended Margin for EAs
・Comparing MT4 Accounts Based on Spread, Swap, and Execution Speed
・What is Web Authentication?
・Checklist for When Your EA Isn't Working