GogoJungleインジケーターLIVE 『GSのMTFトレンドモニター』
[Gogo Jungle Featured Indicator Live Streaming! ] This is go_stock's "GS MTF Trend Monitor". https://www.gogojungle.co.jp/re/GnVQn0EsmK9hsLv Display long-term and medium-term bars (4 hours and 1 hour by default) in a multi-time frame, and distinguish whether the market is currently buying or selling with simple environmental recognition using Dow theory. I can. In addition, as a feature, the return high and push lows of the long-term and medium-term bars are recognized as registration support. Then, the thickness of the recognized line changes according to the number of points that have functioned as a registration support in the past. Please take a look at how it is changing in real time.